William T. Arms: Digital Libraries
In einem Kapitel „Glossary“ liefert der Autor im Anschluss Kurzbeschreibungen von wichtigen Begriffen aus dem Bereich digitale Bibliotheken. Das Feld der digitalen Bibliotheken hat aus vielen Bereichen Begriffe entlehnt. Der Autor weist darauf hin, dass die beschriebenen Begriffe in einem anderen Kontext eine andere Bedeutung haben k�nnen.Zur Veranschaulichung im Anschluss einige Beispiele f�r im Glossary erkl�rte Begriffe:
- abstracting and indexing services Secondary information services that provide searching of scholarly and scientific information, in particular of individual journal articles.
- Boolean searching Methods of information retrieval where a query consists of a sequence of search therms, combined with operators, such as „and,“or,“ and „not.“
- classification An organization of library materials by a hierarchy of subject categories.
- Dublin Core A simple set of metadata elements used in digital libraries, primarily to describe digital objects and for collectios management, and for exchange of metadata.
- information retrieval Searching a body of information for objects that match a search query.
- precision In Information retrieval, the percentage of hits found by a search that satisfy the request generated the query.
- recall In information retrieval, the percentage of items in a body of material which would satisfy a request that are actually found by a search.
- thesaurus A linguistic tool that relates words by meaning.
Desweiteren werden auch Abk�rzungen erkl�rt:- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) A coding scheme that represents individual characters as seven or eight bits; printable ASCII is a subset of ASCII
- OCLC (Online Computer Libray System) An organization that provides, among other services, a bibliographic utility for libraries to share catalog records.
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) A reference to a resource on the Internet, specifying a protocol, a computer, a file on that computer, and parameters. […]
(W.Y.ARMS, Digital Libraries, MIT Press, Campridge, Massachusetts, 2000, Glossary,p.273-283)